17 July 2007


It was Friday the 13th and off I marched to Dr. Root Canal's comfy dental chair one more time, but wait this time we turned left into the 'Disney' room. The walls were covered with framed pictures of Disney characters and the right ledge had stuffed Disney animals hanging over to cheer up the saddest root canal patient. As he was working on my tooth, I found myself staring at the pictures of Snow White and each of her seven dwarves, Dopey in particular for some reason and thinking how ironic it was for me to be surrounded by these Disney characters while my son is currently in Orlando and maybe seeing parts of Disney World.

The rest of the root canal work went quite easily as it appeared he did most of the job the first day. He gave me a prescription for more antibiotics "just in case" any swelling came back, but this time my mouth was not even sore. Next week I get to go back for the next chapter which is a visit to my regular dentist for a new crown!

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