16 January 2008


I am scheduled to go to UW this Thursday to see my doctor. I've had the appointment for over a month and it's even verified on the official UW letterhead that came in the mail. It's all planned out....take the 9 am ferry, get blood work, see the doctor at 10:30, take my Rx to the pharmacy, go to University Village while the pharmacy takes an hour to fill the Rx, pick up my Rx and drive into Seattle to have lunch with my son.

So what's the problem? An idiot has intervened to try and derail my plan.

Tuesday afternoon I get a call from a woman at UW Radiology reminding me of my 7:30 am appointment on Thursday for an MRI. I politely said, "HUH?" She repeated her information, adding the MRI would be at 8 am, but I needed to check in at 7:30 am. I told her that this was the first I was hearing of this appointment and she said I would have to talk to Philip about that, she was just calling to remind me of the time. She was kind enough to transfer me to Philip's number.

Of course I got his voice mail. He phoned back about an hour later and basically gave me the same information. I explained the impossible logistics of what they had created for me. I would have to take a 5 am ferry for a 7:30 appointment and then when the MRI is done (20 minutes) I would sit around for over 2 hours waiting for my appointment with the doctor. I didn't even mention the fact that at my last visit I waited in the lobby for an hour past my appointment time for the doctor.

Now at this point I'm thinking that the doctor has told him to schedule the MRI. I told him that the last time I saw the doctor he said I would have an MRI in February. So I asked him why was I having the MRI now? His answer was so vague I can't even remember it. We went back and forth and then I suggested that perhaps he could check with radiology for a time closer to my appointment time. It is only in retrospect that I realize that he had just made the appointment. That is why the woman from radiology called me rather than the automated voice reminder.

But wait, it gets better with Philip. Now I am thinking he is checking with Radiology to get a better time, but he knows he can't do that because he just made the appointment. So he went to Jennifer, one of the nurses and asked her about my waiting to have the MRI.
He calls me back and tells me that he checked with Jennifer and that I don't have to come in this Thursday at all, even to see the doctor. Let's set up an appointment for the first week in February for the MRI and to see the doctor. "Are you available on Wednesday, February 6th?" he says, "around 3 pm." By now I'm really seeing red. I know I can be a little anal retentive (just a little), but I always see the doctor on Thursday and I'm thinking that I may be working by then and 3 pm, ARE YOU CRAZY?

Time out Philip. First of all, why are you canceling my appointment for this Thursday? I am supposed to start taking my meds this week, or haven't I already told you that two or three times? Secondly, why is it such a big deal to have the MRI this Thursday if suddenly we can wait three weeks? And thirdly, I would normally be scheduled for the MRI on February 21st if you had just stayed in a corner picking your nose and not gotten into my business, you idiot.

I realized that this whole scheduling nightmare was caused by Philip reading or mis-reading the doctor's notes in my file, which leads me to question how such an idiot can get a job and I can't get past the interview? Of course we don't know that he will KEEP the job, now do we!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was forced out of a professional job by idiots. There are a lot more idiots than there folks with brains. It's called democracy. HL Mencken noted about 80+ years ago, "Democracy is the system holds the people know what they want, and deserve to get it."