30 December 2006

Done for Now


23 December 2006

Here We Go Again.........

Yes, this is our front lawn today, December 23rd!

White Thanksgiving!

White Christmas!

Sure hope we have a White New Years :)

12 December 2006



08 December 2006

Friday Ferry

Friday ferry ride.................

Can you find me?????????????

07 December 2006

Olympic Mtns

The weather has finally cleared up enough so we can see the beautiful Olympic Mountains to the west.

30 November 2006

Road Closed?

We thought it was strange that we didn't get our newspaper this morning. Turns out our road is closed. Hmmmm.............

On our way home this afternoon we passed this snow plow FINALLY doing something about our street.

29 November 2006


A most magnificent sunrise this morning....of course it is only 19 degrees out!

Kol is shoveling the driveway in hopes that the car will slide out easier today. This is actually this worst part.

27 November 2006


It's COLD out here!!!!!!

26 November 2006

White Thanksgiving

This is the scene outside our living room window about 8 am this morning and the snow has been falling continuously. Button isn't quite so sure she likes being the first to put her paw prints out there.

24 November 2006

Wonderful Thanksgiving

A small intimate gathering with the most delicious food was enjoyed in front of the roaring fire while raindrops fell silently outside. We each expressed our thanks for good health and being together. All very meaningful for this Thanksgiving.

22 November 2006

The Best Place

This is the reason I go to Seattle every day....they are the best!!!!!

21 November 2006


Submarine sighting while on our ferry ride to Seattle. Unusual, but not unheard of in these parts since it was going to the shipyard in Bremerton.

Notice the BLUE SKY!!!!!!

16 November 2006

Day 1

Here we are on the Bremerton ferry returning home from DAY 1 of the radiation treatments with 32 left to go. It is only a 5 1/2 hour round trip, but well worth it for the healing to happen. The ferry on the left is actually going to Bainbridge Island and in the center of the picture is the famous Seattle Space Needle.

Today was beautiful with blue skies, sun and dry roads as opposed to yesterday which was very windy and pouring all day and the water had many white caps!

14 November 2006

I AM B-A-C-K ! ! ! !

Two weeks after my surgery and I AM BACK HOME and it feels s-o-o-o-o-o G-O-O-O-O-O-D !!!!!!!

I traded in the robe for the hat and I'm ready for the next phase of this little adventure.

I'm feeling great and progressed so well through the rehabilitation phase that I was discharged a day early. We start our daily ferry commutes tomorrow with the official kick-off of radiation treatments beginning Thursday. Apparently Wednesday is the "test" run. I'm willing to make the extra trip to make sure they get it right!

While I don't recommend having a brain tumor, I strongly recommend you travel from anywhere in the country to the UW Medical Center in Seattle to have it removed. They are the MOST INCREDIBLE TEAM! WHEW! I'm so lucky!

30 October 2006

On the Road to HEALTH

The robe is done and we are now on the road to good health.

28 October 2006

Take A Ride

Nothing so relaxing and scenic as a ferry ride to Seattle.

26 October 2006

Thread Emergency

How can this cute face cause this big mess?


25 October 2006

Thank You JR Gang

This is the 'before' picture of me with the beautiful roses that you all sent. They smell wonderful! I know Mary has been keeping you up to date on my little adventures and let me tell you, this has been a steep learning curve! I'm feeling really good and very confident and positive that all will go well. I don't really need my left foot anyway, do I? Thank you all so much for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers and I love you all.

24 October 2006


Droopy Dahlia :(

I'll save you Dahlia :)

23 October 2006

Will She or Won't She????

What are the chances that this

together with

and this will make this

IN LESS THAN A WEEK?????????????????????????????

22 October 2006

Happy Birthday Judith !

Happy Birthday Judith
from those of us in
Washington including
Button!!!! Have a great day!

The creative genes do not reside in Washington
at this time!

21 October 2006


This musical sculpture greets you as you exit the second floor Cascade elevator of the UW Medical Center, however the sound can be heard on multiple floors.

19 October 2006


This is a Native American Prayer Stick. A prayer, or wish, is written on a small piece of paper and placed at the top of the stick and then wrapped with colored yarns to secure it and decorate the stick. The feathers are placed at the top of the stick and right next to the prayer. The Native Americans believe that the feathers will take the prayer away into the heavens. Various fresh herbs and beads are placed on the stick for further significance.

This is actually the prayer stick I made on Tuesday when I attended the monthly meeting of hospice volunteers. It smells wonderful with the lavender, rosemary and thyme I tied on. I went heavy on the thyme since she said that represents HEALTH and I need lots of that right now!!!!

18 October 2006




F - A - L - L


17 October 2006

16 October 2006

15 October 2006


It finally started


and it is so

b e a u t i f u l

14 October 2006

Damn Best Buy

I'm s-o-o-o-o-o p***ed at Best Buy and Erin in particular. I told her the brand and model of my camera and not only did she sell me the wrong SD CARD but the wrong reader TOO !! D U H !

So tomorrow I'm taking my camera with me and making sure that I get the right card and reader before I leave the store.

Okay, I feel better now!!

This is my first blog entry

I'm learning how to blog. I feel so H-I-P !
This is going to be fun.

Mayo Clinic

13 October 2006

Happy Happy Birthday Mom!

I know you didn't ask for this for your birthday. Hey, you probably didn't even want one of these things at all. Maybe the thought didn't ever cross your mind one way or the other. Even beyond that I'm sure that you are going to love getting a birthday present that requires your constant attention.

So, here it is: For your birthday, I got you a blog. This blog in fact. That's why it's got your name at the top (all that can be edited if you come up with a catchier title). You aren't just getting a blog though. No ma'am. This blog comes with strings attached.

Here's the deal. I made two blogs. One for you and one for me. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to post on this blog every day. Even on Sunday. You do that and I'll do the same. Below is a link to my blog (don't laugh, it isn't as fancy as yours yet).


Make sure you take a gander at that because my first post is dedicated to you.