10 November 2007


It's been 5 days since the last surgery and I think Button has finally turned the corner. She is still wearing her Depends, but what a difference. She is finally healing. She walks without being coaxed. She goes up and down the stairs by herself. She goes out and goes to the bathroom. She is acting like her old self again. (I don't want to say any of this too loudly though, because she's not completely healed and I don't want to jinx anything).

It turned out that she did have an infection from the culture they did at the emergency vet on Sunday, so she has to stay on the antibiotics for another ten days, but at least I talked the doctor out of keeping her on the $100 antibiotic at least for now. And we aren't feeling as guilty for putting her through all of this, to say nothing of our pocketbook.

So hopefully we are through with visiting the vet for awhile and being creative with Depends diapers.

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