27 November 2007


We had our first few snowflakes last night as the sun set and the temperature fell, the rain slowly turned into snowflakes that stuck to the ground, BUT not for long. So while it was our first snow, it sure wasn't much. Maybe next time...........

10 November 2007


It's been 5 days since the last surgery and I think Button has finally turned the corner. She is still wearing her Depends, but what a difference. She is finally healing. She walks without being coaxed. She goes up and down the stairs by herself. She goes out and goes to the bathroom. She is acting like her old self again. (I don't want to say any of this too loudly though, because she's not completely healed and I don't want to jinx anything).

It turned out that she did have an infection from the culture they did at the emergency vet on Sunday, so she has to stay on the antibiotics for another ten days, but at least I talked the doctor out of keeping her on the $100 antibiotic at least for now. And we aren't feeling as guilty for putting her through all of this, to say nothing of our pocketbook.

So hopefully we are through with visiting the vet for awhile and being creative with Depends diapers.

06 November 2007


The Depends are working great especially having a shoelace strung through the top to keep them on, but despite that, Button's stitches came out on one side and yesterday she had to be re-anesthetized and re-stitched up. We should have known there was yet another problem when the technician said the doctor wanted to meet with us. So we go into the little room and in comes the doctor (perky young gal) and showed us the OTHER side that had been okay when we brought her in and she she left it alone when she re-stitched up the other side. She said that Button woke up so fast and her techs were busy and the next thing they knew she was licking and boom, it was open. She said she thought it would heal up okay, but to watch it and if it needs to be stitched up to call and she can stitch it with just some local anesthetic and no charge. They actually didn't charge us for the second surgery, only the second anesthetic and more pills of course.

We thought this was going to be just a simple little surgery. We did learn a big lesson that we are happy to pass along to anyone. Don't do surgery on your dog at the end of the week, because when there are problems you end up at the emergency vet which is $98 to walk in the door and be examined which we had to do on Sunday. This is probably true for humans as well and probably more costly to go to the ER, but sometimes we have no choice in the schedule and just want to get it done.

Right now, Button would just like her bottom to stop hurting and to be able to walk without something between her legs.

03 November 2007


Depends are not just for Grandma anymore. They work great for post-surgical dogs too! She's much happier than wearing that cone-head around and Daddy's undies restricted her knees so YIPPEE for Depends!!!

02 November 2007


Here is Button post-surgery, wearing the latest in post-surgical fashion. She was actually sent home as a cone head and we figured that was just a left-over Halloween accessory and she hated it so we have made her more comfortable in some men's jockey's.

According to the pre-surgical consent form she had "soft-tissue surgery", but in plain English, she had a tummy tuck for her vaginal lips. Unlike human tummy tucks, it was not elective surgery for Button who needed her female parts to be reconstructed a little bit. This should do the trick!