01 September 2007


I woke up this morning with the same old backache. That's strange. This new bed is supposed to be so wonderful....oh yeah, that's right, they didn't deliver it! Ha! Ha! The joke is on us right now. We have been dragging our feet, no, I have been dragging my feet to even shop for a new bed and finally last weekend I agreed to go look. It wasn't as bad as I had been dreading it to be. Of course I did refuse to step foot into Levitz so that eliminated BAD. We sealed the deal on Sunday and got a delivery date for Friday the 31st. We have been counting down the nights all week and could hardly wait. Thursday morning they called and said the bed would be delivered Friday afternoon. Yippee, all is going well. Then we got another call at 3 pm saying the delivery was canceled with no new projected date. Are we talking days, weeks, months? I called them on Friday morning and asked that question and it turns out that OUR mattress missed the truck and that they (customer service) are waiting for an e-mail from the vendor (the company that makes the mattress). So now we can't even entertain ourselves by counting down the nights. I have a beautiful new headboard waiting for its new bed and a back waiting not to ache. Stay tuned.........

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